Unpack our robust toolset of visual media that includes a new framing device, bespoke iconography and illustration, a range of product imagery and photography.


The Frame is the essence of our brand platform and serves as the primary visual device used to articulate most valuable context for a given view.


The Central Design Team created our custom set of icons inspired by monospace IDEs but with a human twist. Mendix icons are used across different brand touch points–from marketing and advertising, to environmental and product. They provide symbolism, conceptual clarity and visual interest in simplistic shapes and forms.


Our illustration style has range of expressiveness, tailored to the campaign or medium we are designing for. At the functional end of our illustration spectrum are the most basic shapes and depictions of literal imagery. This might show a mobile phone or simple microflow. Functional illustrations would be suited better for targetting executives and business professionals as it is more formal and technical.

Expression Scale

On the expressive end you might mix in photographic elements and background textures. These illustrations have more going on and are often more figurative in nature. Expressive illustrations are a great pick for a more casual audience like developers, as well as use in social posts.


Screenshots of product or exact vector replica. Functionalities are displayed with zero loss. This level of fidelity is used when the details matter, and we need to go beyond the mere suggestion of a functionality.

High Fidelity

Vector illustration of product with trivial detail removed. Enables uncluttered telling of visual narrative. Removing the minutiae allows for succinct storytelling, and eliminates distraction.


Crafting sleek examples of end-user applications is an opportunity to exceed the viewer’s expectations of what is possible with the Mendix platform. A little razzle-dazzle can go a long way.

End-user Apps


Our main use of photography is to support customer stories and connect with industry specific audiences. Photography offers a window into the lives of Mendix users and end-users, showing solutions, teamwork and industries. Imagery should reflect a bright and optimistic future of technology and include a diverse range of personas and customers.

Images should be sharp and in focus (wide depth of field). Some exceptions can be made as long as the subject of the image is in focus and unobscured by darkness.